Newcomer’s Events for the Month.


Knitting and Needlework

Griswold's 12970 Sunnyhill Ct., Sonora, United States

KNITTING/NEEDLEWORK GROUP Vivian Griswold will be hosting this month’s gathering on Monday, February 17, from 2 to 4 p.m. Those interested in attending can plan to knit, crochet, embroider, quilt, etc. with other members. Dessert, coffee, and tea will be served during the get-together. Vivian’s address is 13000 Sunnyhill Court, Sonora. Please RSVP to her … Continue reading "Knitting and Needlework"

February Dinner Meeting

Bella Union Restaurant 22738 Main Street, Coumbia, United States

When: February 19, the third Wednesday, our regular schedule Where: Bella Union Restaurant (formerly Columbia House Restaurant) 22738 Main Street, Columbia Time: 5:00 p.m. Social Hour (No-host bar) 6:00 p.m. dinner Price: $30 per person. Please make your check payable to TCNC, or if paying by cash, kindly have exact change. RSVP: No later than … Continue reading "February Dinner Meeting"


Kobe Jananese Steak House Junction Shopping Center, Sonora, CA, United States

When: Thursday, February 20 11:30 a.m. Where: Kobe Steakhouse The Junction Shopping Center Sonora Separate checks. RSVP by Monday, February 17 to Kathy at (209) 588- 8851 or Paula at (209) 532-7178. Kathy O’Gorman and Paula Kolander February Ladies Luncheon Coordinators

Wine Tasting

Steve and Ina Belochi 15818 Curtis Circle, Sonora, CA, United States

Our scheduled Wine Tasting Socials/Tastings for Year 2025 will be on the 3rd Friday of the Month. Thank you to our host/hostesses for volunteering to open your home for our wine tasting socials. We begin our 2025 Wine Social hosted by our new president, Steve Belochi and Ina. Date: Friday, February 21 Time: 6:00 p.m. … Continue reading "Wine Tasting"